xylose - définition. Qu'est-ce que xylose
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est xylose - définition

Wood sugar; D-xylose; L-xylose; Xylosyl; Xylo-Pfan; Xylopyranoside

['z??l??z, -s]
¦ noun Chemistry a sugar of the pentose class which occurs widely in plants, especially as a component of hemicelluloses.
·add. ·noun An unfermentable sugar of the pentose class, C5H10O5, formed by the hydrolysis of xylan; wood sugar.
D-xylose absorption test         
D-Xylose absorption test
D-xylose absorption test is a medical test performed to diagnose conditions that present with malabsorption of the proximal small intestine due to defects in the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosa.D-xylose absorption MedlinePlus.



Xylose (cf. Ancient Greek: ξύλον, xylon, "wood") is a sugar first isolated from wood, and named for it. Xylose is classified as a monosaccharide of the aldopentose type, which means that it contains five carbon atoms and includes an aldehyde functional group. It is derived from hemicellulose, one of the main constituents of biomass. Like most sugars, it can adopt several structures depending on conditions. With its free aldehyde group, it is a reducing sugar.